Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well, I was planning to make the long drive to the city and spend a few days visiting with my folks for the Thanksgiving holiday. But it wasn't to be. Yesterday the region was hit with a blast of wintry weather, and the worst of it was the freezing rain. Outdoors late yesterday afternoon, it was all I could do to stay on my feet. Area events last night were being canceled by the dozens. Highway condition websites showed nasty, nasty roads between here and there. I phoned my folks and told them not to expect me for Thanksgiving, barring a miracle.

So I went to bed early last night and slept soundly. Then up early this morning, as is my wont. Still nasty out there. And if I needed any further proof of the wisdom of not going out today, it was visible not far up the gravel road from me, in the dim light of dawn. A large truck had slid off the icy road and into the ditch, and some heavy machinery was at work, seeking some way to tow the truck back up out of the ditch again.

This, clearly visible looking out the window on my front porch.

So. I ain't goin' nowhere on this cold slippery wintry Thanksgiving. Will quietly spend the day at home, where Rice-a-Roni and stew beef and a few bottles of beer will have to do for a Thanksgiving dinner.

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